About company

Dear sirs!

The Public Limited Company Vneshneeconomicheskoe Objedinenie Aviaexport has been promoting exports of civil products of the domestic aviation industry, bolstering their competitiveness on the global market, facilitating the development of the national scientific, manufacturing and economic potential, and strengthening the country’s standing in international economic and scientific-technical cooperation since the moment of its establishment in 1961.

The diverse work that requires specific competences and skills is being done by a collective of highly trained specialists with years of experience in the Soviet and Russian aviation industry and trade with foreign partners.

V/O Aviaexport made a significant contribution to the Soviet Union’s admission to the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and the development of Soviet domestic airworthiness norms and took part in the issuance of airworthiness certificates to Soviet-made planes and helicopters.

Many V/O Aviaexport employees became Soviet and Russian foreign trade executives, trade representatives and commercial counselors at Soviet and Russian embassies to many countries and officials at international organizations.

To date, V/O Aviaexport has exported about 6,000 Soviet- and Russian-made aircraft, including over 2,100 planes and 3,500 helicopters, to 68 countries. Hundreds of projects have been implemented to procure airfield and airport equipment. Aviaexport has done a lot to offer quality after-sale service and enhance equipment reliability. Thousands of specialists were posted aboard via V/O Aviaexport, and more than 120,000 foreign specialists were trained (retrained) in our country.

Nowadays, V/O Aviaexport is a specialized foreign trade organization offering a wide range of foreign trade services in aviation and other industries.

We prioritize the requirements of business partners. The key principles of V/O Aviaexport work are mobility, professionalism and prompt resolution of any problems.

V/O Aviaexport, your reliable business partner.

V/O Aviaexport PLC General Director